Okay folks, don't get confused by my last post... That was "Italy 101" and this is "Italian 101". So I have not lost my marbles... hehe. My good friend, along with anyone else traveling to Italy, should at least know some basic words to help you get by. I think the majority of you can get by with just English since it is the universal language and all major cities are accustomed to the occasional lost tourist, but it is always good to get the basics down... if not for use, but to be more "worldly" and experienced. =)
Italian 101
Who - Chi (kee)
What - Che (keh)
When - Quando
Where - Dove (doh-veh)
Why - Perche
How - Come (koh-meh)
Where is the bathroom? - Dove toilette/bagno? (doh-veh twah-leht/Bah-ngo)
Train - Treno (treh-noh)
Bus - Autobus (ow-toh-boos)
Airplace - Aereo (ah-eh-ree-oh)
Airport - Aeroporto (ah-eh-roh-por-toh)
What time is the train/bus? - A che ora il treno/autobus?
Baggage/Luggage - Bagaglia/Valigie
How much? - Quanto costa?
Hi/Bye - Ciao
Goodbye (formal) - Arrivederci
Thank You...very much - Grazie...mille (grah-zee-eh ... mee-leh)
Excuse me - Scusa
Please - per favore/pia piacere
Help - Aiuto (ai-yu-toh)
Where is Hotel...? - Dove albergo...?
Go - vai
Platform (for train station) - binario (bee-nah-ree-oh)
Straight - Diritto (dreet-toh)
Right - Destra (deh-strah)
Left - Sinistra (see-nee-strah)
Meters - Metri (meh-tree)
Kilometers - kilometri (0.62 miles) (kee-loh-meh-tree)
Euro - Euro (eh-uh-ro)
Sir - Signore
M'am - Signora
Miss - Signorina
Welcome/You're welcome/Enter - Prego
I need... - Ho bisogno di.... (oh bee-sogn-ngo dee)
ATM - Bancomat (bahn-koh-mat)
1 - uno
2 - due (dweh)
3 - tre (threh)
4 - quattro
5 - cinque (cheen-kweh)
6 - sei
7 - sette
8 - otto
9 - nove
10 - dieci (dee-eh-chee)
11 - undici (oohn-duh-chee)
12 - dodici (doh-duh-chee)
13 - tredici (threh-duh-chee)
14 - quattrodici (kwah-tor-duh-chee)
15 - quindici (kween-duh-chee)
16 - seidici (say-duh-chee)
17 - diciasette (dee-chuh-set-teh)
18 - diciotto (dee-choh-toh)
19 - dicianove (dee-chah-noh-veh)
20 - veinti (vain-tee)
30 - trenta (thrain-tah)
100 - cento (chen-toh)
Okay, I don't want to make this too long or it will be too overwhelming... but I hope this will help you with the basic language to get you through your trip and hopefully you won't be in any dilemma to use it. =)
Buon viaggio!