One of the adjustments I had to make in moving to Italy was hanging my clothes to dry. This may seem trivial because it is just one of those things that we take for granted, but when you go from having your clothes dry and smelling bounce-fresh in 50 minutes to having to clip each item to a clothesline and waiting for hours for it to dry (days in the winter!), it did not make me a happy camper. Nowadays, I have accepted the "way of life" and realize stressing over it or complaining wasn't going to get it dry any sooner.
Moreover, through my recent success of becoming more optimistic and "glass half full" girl with the help of our arriving baby, I found the bright side of it! I did my first load of baby laundry just last week and was dreading the fact that I would have to hang all of baby's precious little clothes to dry and not having it soft and warm out of the dryer. To my pleasant surprise, it got me in such a good mood. Just look at the tiny clothes being hung dry! Soooooo cute! Okay, so maybe because this is the first time I am doing it and in total baby mode right now, but I could not help but fall in love with everything I was hanging in its adorable tinyness. Just look at the picture below.... aren't things so much cuter small? I just had to stop and admire the view and appreciate the moment I had of baby clothes bliss that I wouldn't have experienced if I just threw them in the dryer. =) And of course capture the moment on camera to remember it.
Just another reminder to always try to look on the bright side and appreciate the "little" things. =)
Aww! So cute! His room is adorable too!